We say the Lord is our refuge. Have you really stopped to think about that? How many times have I encountered a dilemma, problem or crisis only to try to solve it myself. Sometimes, I feel as if I am a two year old determined to do it MYSELF and many times saying NO!!! Where do we turn in times of grief, loss, suffering, or difficulty? Do we turn to our own wisdom, experience or the opinions of others? Or do we run to the one who made us? The one who knows our very being and the one whom we were created by? In my life, I have done both ran to living God or tried with all of my might to solve the problem myself only to fail. I can say from not only my experience but also watching the experiences of others the only place to run in the midst of trails is in the hands of the Lord. Not only should we give it to him but we must leave it with Him. The question we must ask is this: Do I really trust God? Do I trust a God that is unseen to my natural eye? Can I believe that if I surrender my life to His perfect will regardless of my desires, goals or ambitions that He will be faithful to carry me in the midst of my suffering, pain or trial. I can confidently say that in the last 20 years I have devoted my life to the one who gave all for me NEVER has His mercies failed me. The answer to my problems may have not been what I would have chosen and it rarely is; but His words are true and will stand firm forever. I encourage you who are enduring a time of waiting, suffering, grief or loss to give it All to our Lord. Seek his perfect will for your life and serve him until your last breath. My precious grandmother whom I have adored my entire life left this earth last month at Christmas time. I can say my grief at times still overcomes me to the point I cry out to the Lord to help me live through it. I miss her so much. I miss being able to just pick up the phone and hear her sweet voice even though usually she couldn't hear mine. I am comforted in knowing when my walk on this earth is through and I take my last breath I will be greeted joyfully by her and others whom I have loved who has also shared this same devotion to our Lord. Our Life on this earth is but a breath but our home with our creator is an eternity. I chose while I am here to run to my refuge it is in Him I can experience true peace.
God is Our refuge and strength,and ever-present help in trouble_ Psalm 46:1
I think we all need to be reminded where our refuge lies. Reading of your grandmother brought tears to my eyes. I, too, am very close with mine. Thanks for sharing.