Monday, June 14, 2010

PMS BLUES Dolly Parton/ Girl chat only/This just might be too much info for some:)

I am wide awake unable to sleep. Thoughts of one thing and one thing only captivate my mind. My curious husband cuddles close seeing that I am not my usual sleepy self begins to ask what in the world I could be thinking about at this hour. I am sure I gave him an answer he did not expect or possibly want; But the answer I gave him consisted of one fabulous word "CHOCOLATE!!!!" So, it was that moment I was enlightened that tonight is what I call "PMS Eve." Yes, I have a fever and the only thing that can cure this fever is not more cowbell.... but Ghiradelli dark bittersweet chocolate chips. Which thankfully, I do have a few in the refrigerator. I can generally go all month without eating chocolate or really anything sweet at all. I am boring like that and usually try to eat a clean almost psycho healthy diet. But there are those times when physically there is NOTHING and I mean NOTHING that helps a girl like chocolate can. I need to hear some amens from some of the sista's out there who have been there and know what I mean. There are times I believe we need to support each other when life is not easy. It is time, I think, we should be honest with each other, transparent and open up about these things. For some women this topic may be really uncomfortable to talk openly about. However, these are real struggles that impact relationships, mood, emotions, energy, work, and how we feel about ourselves physically. All of us on some level or another deal with PMS or hormone issues and why should we all suffer silently? I will be candid and honest there have been times what I really would like to do is punch the daylights out of any one that says that women make this stuff up and that it is all in our head. ......( ahhh that makes me so mad!)
It truly amazes me from the ages of 12-55(more or less) most of our female lives we are dealing with the impact of hormones. Either ours, or from other women, our own teenager children, and let's not forget the hormones of the men in our lives ( which is not always such a bad thing):). I guess there could be a small remnant of women out there who aren't affected much by hormones but I haven't had the privilege to know them. Just think about this question: Is there really a time in our girl life that these wonderful messengers neglect to leave there signature on us? From adolescence, teen years, all through our 20's, 30's, 40's and yes 50's, pregnancy, post pregnancy, PMS or PMDD, Premenopausal, menopausal then I guess after all that is over then we die.
For me, personally this has been a long battle since I was 11 years old. For years, I have fought severe endometriosis which I have had 5 surgeries and have been diagnosed with the supercharged form of PMS called PMDD(premenstrual dysmorphic disorder) or in laymen's terms you could simply refer to it as "PMS on crack." Within the past 5 months I have seen a dramatic decrease in my pain and symptoms. Thank you God for your healing and Bio identical hormone treatment!!!
I would really like to hear from the ladies out there describing how you cope with the "PMS BLUES." This could be practical or funny stuff. Please let me know I am not alone in this...For me What helps is: chocolate, progesterone cream, prayer( lots of it) and last but not least a bit of humor. Did I mention CHOCOLATE??? Oh yea I did. Anyway I will leave the rest to Dolly. Her song says it all...I have a feeling I will be playing this a few times in the next few days. Oh yeah that chocolate was so good!!! Be sure to share some of your thoughts I want to hear them.


1 comment:

  1. this is hilarious and sadly true all at the same time. i definitely agree that nothing does the trick like CHOCOLATE! that, prayer, a loving and patient husband, and sleep really helps me. and, if i'm lucky enough to do this, taking a LONG shower tends to calm me down a bit.

    it is crazy that hormones play such a huge role in our lives!
